Freelance Writing Per Word Rate
added 2017) freelance success freelance writing per word rate [bonus product] (added 2013) freelance writing tips and know how ! (added 2010) ( read more ) 2018) maggazzine power of storytelling and email open rates (added 2019) magical words that sell ! (added 2011) magic of 100% commission pride and prejudice research essay topics english practice writing essay online proofreading quote per word thesis defense speech sample thesis builder for argumentative Typical rate: $1. 50/word. tier 2 extremely solid writers who make a great living through their craft. usually strike the fine balance i mentioned of quality and throughput. typical freelance writing per word rate rate: $0. 5/word tier 3 the very solid. these are the 75th percentile and above of freelance writers, and are usually the ones hired by companies to write full-time. contract with random house, i begin work on writing the story, setting myself word goals for example 5000 words per week, to help me meet my looming d...